Wednesday, November 28, 2012


About thirty minutes ago (accounting for the time it took me to think of a blog title and choose a default layout) I was reading my almost-friend-but-I-don't-know-her-too-well's blog, and thought to myself "hey, Katy, you like writing. You like wearing cute clothes. You like graphic design. You like photography. You are a witty person, sometimes. You ought to start a blog." And that is just what I have done. I know, I know, this is all very exciting for you. Calm down long enough to listen to these other fun facts about myself. After all, this is my blog, so I get to be self-centered. Plus, I feel like we should get to know one another. This will be kind of like blog-speed-dating. You can get a sense of me, I will get a sense of you (except not really...) and we can figure out if we're a good fit for one another.

The first thing you should know is that I have a strict 10 o'clock PM rule. My brain ceases to exist in it's intelligent form at precisely 10:01. I'm a 17 year-old morning person. I know, it's weird. Right now it is exactly 11:50, so what you should take away from this is that you can not trust anything I blog or say between the hours of 10:00pm, and 5:00am. In fact, don't trust what I am saying right now. However, right now I am saying to not trust me, which you should not trust, and therefore you should trust this which would henceforth accomplish the aforementioned not trusting me past 10:00pm. Look at us, problem solving and growing together.

The second thing you should know about me is that I murdered a hamster once. I just needed to get that off my chest so we can be friends. I hope we can get past this.

The third thing you should know about me is that I have been kicked out of Wal-Mart various times for racing the senior citizen carts. I feel like this says a lot about the type of person I am, both the good and bad aspects. Since we are just now trying out this relationship and trying to get to know one another here, I thought I might let you know.

The last thing you should know about me is that none of the latter necessities are true necessities. You do not need to know any of these things about me. But hey, it was fun while it lasted, right?

I am glad you have visited my first ever blog post. This is very exciting for both of us.

P.S. In the spirit of getting to know one another, I have provided a picture of myself.